Friday, May 8, 2020

Are Adult Stem Cells Are Been Curing Diseases - 933 Words

Medicine has evolved tremendously over the past few centuries, but there are still many bodily conditions that are yet to be treatable. However, the use of adult stem cells is proving to be an extremely effective method to cure a wide range of medical disorders. While little funding is available for stem cell research, the outcomes are beginning to look promising. In the article, â€Å"Adult Stem Cells Are Already Curing Diseases,† Jean Peduzzi Nelson, a stem cell researcher from Wayne State University, argues for more funding and research in the area of stem cells. She presents instances in which stem cells have worked to help cure certain conditions and backs her argument with data to support her reasoning. Nelson’s argument sufficiently persuades readers of the necessity of stem cell use as she begins and concludes her argument convincingly, gives the reader some insight as to how stem cells work, and uses personal examples to demonstrate how stem cells have direct ly helped cure certain medical conditions. Stem cells are a topic that may be unfamiliar to many people. Before the article is read, the reader knows that the author, Jean Peduzzi Nelson, is well educated on stem cells as she researches and studies stem cells at Wayne State University. This immediately establishes the writer’s credibility before she begins to propose her argument. Nelson’s background greatly strengthens her argument as it shows that she is an expert in the field of stem cells and allows theShow MoreRelatedAdult Stem Cells Vs. 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